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03-March-2021 (Julie-Anne Coates)
03-March-2021 (Julie-Anne Coates)

Photographs supplied by Julie-Anne Coates / Cre8ive Photography

The monument recognises Woomera`s contribution to the Aerospace industry.

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is an organisation serving the aerospace profession, with approximately 35 000 members globally including more than 300 Australians.

AIAA selected Woomera as one of four non-United States locations to be recognised for their contribution to the Aerospace industry, an honour which coincided with Woomera`s 60th anniversary.

Woomera has a long list of significant aerospace activates, with the Anglo-Australian Joint Project, more than 250 Skylark rocket launches, the WRESAT and Prospero satellite launches, tracking of the Vanguard, Mariner and Pioneer spacecraft, and the operation of the Nurrungar spy base.


Address:Dewrang & Banool Avenues, Missile Display Park, Woomera, 5720
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -31.198724
Long: 136.824976
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
View Google Map


Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Technology


Front Inscription


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics historic aerospace site.


Established in 1947 as a joint project between Britain and Australia, the Woomera Rocket Range has a long and distinguished history of weapon testing and rocket launches, including Skylark, Black Knight and Europa. The first Australian sat­ellite was launched here in 1967. Woomera also aided in the tracking of early satellites and the Mercury manned spacecraft. For over 60 years to the present day, Woomera has been an inte­gral part of the defence and aerospace efforts in Australia and around the world.



Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au