When compiling the entries in this website, we have consulted a number of various sources for information about particular monuments. The sources consulted for an individual monument are listed in the "Source" field in the "More Information" window. The table below explains what the source codes mean : -
Code | Source |
MA | Research undertaken by the Monument Australia team |
ABC | ABC Staff Memorial : http://www.abc.net.au/corp/memorial |
ACPH | Australian Centre for Public History : http://www.uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/our-research/australian-centre-public-history/ |
ADB | Australian Dictionary of Biography : http://adb.anu.edu.au/ |
AH | Australian Heritage : http://www.environment.gov.au/heritage/index.html |
AHB | "Firm still you stand : the Anglican Church of St. John the Baptist, Canberra, its parish and parishioners 1841 - 1984" by Alfred Herbert Body |
AHC | Adelaide Hills Council http://www.ahc.sa.gov.au/Visitor/history-and-heritage/honour-boards-of-the-adelaide-hills/ |
AHO | Anglican History Organisation - Project Canterbury http://anglicanhistory.org/ |
AHPI | Australian Heritage Places Inventory : http://www.heritage.gov.au/ahpi/ |
AHS | Armidale Historical Society |
AL | Assyrian Levies |
AOH | Avenues of Honour 1915 - 2015 : http://www.avenuesofhonour.org/ |
AMISA | Association of Mechanics Institutes and School of Arts, New South Wales : http://www.amisa.org.au/ |
APF | Australian Police : http://www.australianpolice.com.au/ |
ATHS | Antarctic Treaty (Historic Sites and Monuments No. 5) |
AWA | Australian War Animal Memorial Organisation : http://www.facebook.com/AustralianWarAnimalMemorialOrganisation |
AWR | Australian Womens`s Register : http://www.womenaustralia.info |
BCC | Brisbane City Council - Avenues of Honour Research Report |
BWV | "Following Burke & Wills across Victoria", Dave Phoenix |
BWW | Burke & Wills Web : http://www.burkeandwills.net.au |
CEN | Centennial Parklands : http://www.centennialparklands.com.au/about/history_and_heritage/memorials_and_gates/ |
CMC | City of Mandurah Council : http://www.mandurah.wa.gov.au |
CRE | "Creating Remembrance. The art and design of Australian War Memorials" Donald Richardson |
DUY | "The Duyfken. Unveiling of the First Contact Memorial" Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Edited by Rupert Gerritsen R.O.N. |
DVA | Department of Veterans Affairs, Saluting their Service Grants : http://www.dva.gov.au/consultation-and-grants/grants/approved-grants-list |
FTF | Tuggeranong Festival: http://www.tuggeranongfestivalact.wordpress.com/footsteps-to-follow |
H | "Monuments and Memorials" edited by Beryl Henderson |
HHS | Hay Historical Society Website Newsletters : http://users.tpg.com.au/hayhist/news.html |
HNSW | Heritage Branch, New South Wales Government : http://www.heritage.nsw.gov.au |
HSW | The Soldier’s Memorial Avenue, Hobart, Tasmania : http://www.soldierswalk.org.au |
HWA | Heritage Council of West Australia : https://www.dplh.wa.gov.au/about-inherit/ |
JG | Jenny Gill, Historian, Tasmania |
KI | "Sacred Places. War Memorials in the Australian Landscape" K. S. Inglis assisted by Jan Brazier |
LC | Lyndal Cosgrove, Editor "Queensland Family Historian" |
LOW | Lowood District Community Website : http://www.lowood.qld.au |
LTS | The C J La Trobe Society : http://www.latrobesociety.org.au/latrobe.html |
MMAA | Maldon Museum and Archives Association |
MCC | Maribyrnong City Council, Victoria |
MED | "Victorian historical memorials to explorers and discoverers" LTP 994.5 D15V (State Library of Victoria) |
MHF | Mawson`s Huts Foundation : http://www.mawsons-huts.org.au |
MHS | Mackay Historical Society, Queensland : http://www.mackayhistory.org |
MIV | "Saluting the Brave. A pictorial record of Queensland War Memorials", Shirley & Trevor McIvor |
Mapping Our ANZAC History : Mareeba Shire War Memorial Heritage Asset List 2015. https://msc.qld.gov.au/tourism-and-heritage/mapping-our-anzac-history/ |
MVIC | Mechanics Institute Victoria : http://home.vicnet.net.au/~mivic/ |
NC | National Capital : http://www.nationalcapital.gov.au |
NCC | Newcastle Cultural Collections : http://collections.ncc.nsw.gov.au/keemu/pages/nrm/index.htm |
NMC | Northern Midlands Council, Longford, Tasmania : http://www.northernmidlands.tas.gov.au/Page/Page.aspx?Page_Id=192 |
NRUM | National Register of Unusual Monuments |
NRWM | Register of War Memorials in New South Wales : http://www.warmemorialsregister.nsw.gov.au |
NSWH | New South Wales Heritage Database : http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au |
NWM | National Workers Memorial : http://www.nationalworkersmemorial.gov.au |
NZHO | New Zealand History Online : http://www.nzhistory.net.nz |
PA | Picture Australia : http://trove.nla.gov.au/general/australian-pictures-in-trove |
PS | Paul Scott`s Flickr website : https://www.flickr.com/photos/paulscottinfo |
PMCA | Poowong East and Mountain View Community Association |
QHR | Queensland Heritage Register : https://www.qld.gov.au/environment/land/heritage/register/ |
QWMR | Queensland War Memorials Register : http://www.qldwarmemorials.com.au |
RCCP | Randwick City Council Bicentennial Plaques : http://www.randwick.nsw.gov.au/About_randwick/Heritage |
RCMP | Rocky Creek Memorial Park : http://www.nashoqld.org.au/rocky_memorial/rocky_war_memorial.html |
RDV | Regional Development Victoria : http://www.rdv.vic.gov.au |
RHSV | Royal Historical Society of Victoria |
RSLV | The Returned and Services League of Australia (Victoria Branch) : http://www.rslvic.com.au |
RUMT | Register of Unusual Monuments - Tasmanian Section |
RUMV | Register of Unusual Monuments - Victorian Section |
RVWM | Virtual War Memorial Australia : http://www.vwma.org.au/ |
SAHN | South Australian History Network : https://www.flickr.com/photos/communityhistorysa/albums/with/72157646030382452 |
SAM | History Trust of South Australia : http://www.history.sa.gov.au/ |
SAW | Strathalbyn Anglicans website : http://strathalbynanglicans.org.au/ |
SJ | Saint James’ Church, Sydney, New South Wales : http://www.sjks.org.au |
SKP | War memorials in Australia. This was a website created by an individual and it has been discontinued and is no longer maintained. The contents copyright were transferred to the Australian War Memorial, and an archive is available at the Pandora portal : http://pandora.nla.gov.au/tep/14043 |
TOH | South Australia and Northern Territory War Memorials : http://www.tributesofhonour.info This website no longer allows for the searching for monuments |
TWM | Tasmanian war memorials data base, compiled by Fred Thornett, 1996, State Library of Tasmania |
VHD | Victorian Heritage Database : http://vhd.heritage.vic.gov.au/ |
VMR | "Victorian Memorial Register, Series 1, J.D. Adams, 994.12 V66AD" (State Library of Victoria) |
VWHI | Victorian War Heritage Inventory : http://vhd.heritage.vic.gov.au/vhd/veterans |
WHSV | Waverley Historical Society, Victoria : http://home.vicnet.net.au/~whsvic/ |
Western Australian War Memorials Register : http://www.anzac.dpc.wa.gov.au As at June-2019 this website no longer provides a listing of war memorials in Western Australia. |
War Memorials of Western Australia : http://www.warmemorials.net |
WVC | Castleford Veterinary Group Whyalla : http://www.whyallavet.com.au |