
Mr C. H. TippettPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Peter F Williams
The Tippett Memorial Presbyterian Church and Hall (now known as the Abbotsford Presbyterian Church) was originally named in honour of Mr C. H. Tippett whose efforts were responsible for the building of the church. A plaque in his memory was placed in the church on the 30th November 1930. 

The death occurred yesterday afternoon at his residence in Frederick Street, Ashfield, of Mr. Charles Henry Tippett, who was a prominent worker for the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Tippett, who was 72 years of age, was born at Jamberoo. Some years ago he was engaged as a special lecturer on elocution by the Salvation Army, and toured the country districts. He was then appointed to carry out home mission work for the Presbyterian Church. He did valuable organising work at Crookwell, West Wyalong, and at Lake Macquarie. At Abbotsford, where he was stationed at the time of his death, a fine church has been built as a result of his efforts. He was not ordained.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW),  27 November 1929.

Yesterday afternoon, in the presence of a crowded congregation, a memorial tablet was unveiled in the Tippett Memorial Church, Abbotsford, to the memory of the late Rev. C. H. Tippett, who died on November 26, 1929, at the age of 72 years. Mr. Tippett was minister of the Abbotsford Presbyterian Church for about four years, and it was during his ministry that the present very fine edifice was erected. The presbytery acceded to the request of the Abbotsford congregation to call the church the Tippett Memorial Church, and the mural tablet yesterday was unveiled by Rev. O. F. D. McAlpine, who was for several years interim moderator of Abbotsford.
Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), 1 December 1930. 



Address:Great North Road & Werona Avenue, Abbotsford Presbyterian Church , Abbotsford, 2046
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.853502
Long: 151.129551
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:People


Inscription in Proximity
Memorial Hall
Source: HNSW, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au