
Private Edward John (Jack) Francis Ryan V.C. Print Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by John Huth

The sculpture commemorates Private Edward John (Jack) Francis Ryan who was awarded the Victoria Cross (V.C.) during World War One. It was unveiled on the 100th anniversary of the day of the action for which he received the award for bravery.

The pedestal also contains the names of those from the District who served in World War One. 

On 30 September 1918 at the Hindenburg Defences, France, when the enemy succeeded in establishing a bombing party in the rear of the battalion's recently-won position, Private Ryan, on his own initiative, organized and led a party of men with bombs and bayonets against the enemy. He reached the position with only three men and they succeeded in driving the enemy back. Private Ryan cleared the last of them alone, finally falling wounded himself.

Tumut’s Victoria Cross hero Private Jack Francis Ryan was honoured with the official unveiling of his statue in Richmond Park on Sunday. The statue was unveiled a century to the day from Private Ryan’s courageous and clever actions at the Hindenburg defensive line which earned his the highest bravery award for Commonwealth soldiers.

Megan O’Brien, Jack’s great niece, only found out the unveiling was happening last week, but made the trip with her family from Wollongong. “We are all extremely proud of him,” she said. “They have done Jack proud today. He was a quiet man, but he would have liked it.”

Kapooka Commandant Colonel Michael Garraway said it was the great pleasure of Kapooka to be involved in such a fantastic project. “It is a very fitting monument for a man who demonstrated the highest act of valour,”  he said. 

“I know our successive state governments, federal governments and the RSL had been generous in committing money to projects like this, but getting grants and pats on the back doesn’t get projects like this off the ground, and they don’t get it sychronised so it can be unveiled on the 100th anniversary, so for the committee; people like Karen Kell, Gus Cox, Tony McAlister, Lyn Devereaux, the Mayor and other people in the Jack Ryan committee, you’ve done a fantastic job here; this is a great monument and you should be really proud of what you’ve done.

“I also think it’s a fantastic gesture to have all the other names of the Tumut men who served around the monument, with Jack at the top. That’s a nice way to recognise the efforts of all local men, but also in particular, have Jack at the top. I know that if all those men were here today, they would want him at the top of the monument, so it’s a fantastic tribute to this great man. It is a marvellous opportunity for us to be here today; thank you to the committee for the work you have done.”

Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack said; “This day, in this beautiful park in this peaceful town in our wonderful region it is appropriate we commemorate one our greatest. Until now, John Ryan has not been accorded the recognition due to him. May he now always be in the hearts and minds of all who visit this location and look upon this memorial, gaze upon its magnificence and read its inscription. Under a bond of courage, innovation, integrity, teamwork and, above all, mateship, Jack Ryan and other Riverina Diggers did what was expected of them and so much more in a War that was supposed to end all Wars. Tumut has always been proud of its decorated and famous son but, it is fair to say, has not before today paid him the homage he has so thoroughly deserved."
Excerpt from Tumut & Adelong Times (NSW), 5 October 2018.


Address:Richmond & Capper Streets, Richmond Park, Tumut, 2720
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.304511
Long: 148.222398
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Sculpture
Monument Theme:People
Actual Event Start Date:30-September-1918
Actual Event End Date:30-September-1918


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 30th September, 2018
Front Inscription

Private Edward John Francis Ryan VC
No. 1717 - 55th Battalion A I F

Unveiled on 30th September 2018 by the Hon. Michael McCormack Deputy Prime Minister

James Hayes OAM  Mayor Snowy Valleys Council
Geoff Parker             Grand nephew

Victoria Cross Citation

[ Citation ]

This memorial has been erected to honour the commitment and sacrifice made by the men and women of the Tumut area during the Great War 1914 - 1918

This memorial was made possible by major donors
ANZAC Centenary Local Grants Program - Tumut RSL Sub Branch - Snowy Valleys Council
Armistice Centenary Grants Program - Michael McCormack - James & Karen Hayes

Lest We Forget

Left Side Inscription

[ Names ]

Lest We Forget

Right Side Inscription

[ Names ]

Lest We Forget

Source: MA, DVA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au