
John KnowlmanPrint Page Print this page

Knowlman Memorial 2 : June 2014
Knowlman Memorial 2 : June 2014

Photographs supplied by Peter F Williams

The Memorial commemorates John Knowlman, a former Mayor and prominent Goulburn citizen.

The residents of Goulburn received a great shock on Monday morning, when it was heard that at 1 o'clock that morning Mr. John Knowlman, one of the city's best public men, had died.

Mr Knowlman was one of the best public men Goulburn ever had, and his loss will be severely felt. When ill health would often have justified his remaining at home he attended meetings in the discharge of his duties. He was elected an alderman in 1894 for South Ward, and had occupied a seat at the Council table ever since. He filled the chair in 1899 and 1900, and it was universally admitted that he was one of the best mayors Goulburn ever had. At the conclusion of his term of office the citizens, as a small token of their appreciation of his work, presented him with a handsome illuminated address. His civic sympathies were wide spread. While he did not neglect the utilitarian, he always recognised that the beautification of the city was important. The Botanic Gardens owe much to him, and he was a warm advocate of tree-planting in the streets. As a member of the hospital committee he was always ready to do his share of the work of that institution. At one time he filled the presidential chair. He had been a member of the committee of the Mechanics' Institute since 1905, and took a warm interest in that institution. As vice-president of the Liedertafel he was a loyal supporter of that society, and the members will keenly regret the loss of one whose counsel and help were always available. Mr. Knowlman was a prominent and active member of the Bowling Club. He was a member of the Masonic Order. It was characteristic of the man that he threw himself heartily into whatever he undertook. He had the true citizen spirit, and rendered cheerful aid to anything that he thought would tend to the advancement of Goulburn. In politics he had always been an advanced Liberal.
Excerpt from Obituary, Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW), 31 May 1910.

The ceremony of unveiling the lamp erected in the Botanic Gardens to the memory of the late Ald. Knowlman will be performed at half past three o`clock tomorrow.
Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW), 13th May 1911.



Address:Auburn & Montague Streets, Belmore Park, Goulburn, 2580
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.754567
Long: 149.71944
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:People
Sub-Theme:Government - Local


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 14th May, 1911
Front Inscription

WREATH                         HONOUR
CIRCLE                            ETERNITY
SEATS                              REST
Back Inscription
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au