
Jack DwyerPrint Page Print this page

Jack Dwyer Reserve 2 : June 2014
Jack Dwyer Reserve 2 : June 2014

Photographs supplied by Peter F Williams
Jack Dwyer Reserve was named in honour of the late Jack Dwyer who cared for Wauchope's parks and gardens as an employee of the former Hastings Shire Council. Jack was one of the founding members of the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival.


Address:Hastings & River Streets, Wauchope, 2446
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -31.451383
Long: 152.733693
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:People
Sub-Theme:Government - Local


Front Inscription

This scenic reserve was named in honour of the late Jack Dwyer who cared for Wauchope's parks and gardens as an employee of the former Hastings Shire Council. Jack was one of the founding members of the Wauchope Lasiandra Festival. He envisoned a floral festival to promote the Wauchope area and set about planting Lasiandra (Tibouchina) about the town.

The first Lasiandra festival was held in 1984 and it has continued annually since then, always taking place from the second Saturday in March to coincide with the floral spectacular of Wauchope's floral emblem - the Lasiandra (Tibouchina) in full bloom.

Wauchope Lasiandra Festival

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au