
George DeSaillyPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland / Sandra Brown
A rotunda commemorates Councillor George DeSailly.

A number of representative men met in Risbey's Chambers on Thursday evening to consider what steps should be taken to perpetuate the memory of the late Cr. George Desailly. Apologies, moreover, were received from several other leading residents, who wrote appreciatively of the departed citizen, applauded the action of the conveners of the meeting, and offered support to any workable scheme. 

Mr T. S. Dove observed that the erection of a band rotunda had been suggested. The meeting favored that idea providing the structure was centrally placed and was of a thoroughly permanent nature. Steel columns were suggested as being ornamental, ever lasting and cheap to maintain. On the motion of Messrs Levien and Risbey it was formally agreed: "That this meeting considers that the most suitable form of memorial would be a permanent band rotunda, to be erected in the town, and that the committee take steps to obtain subscriptionis for such object and, if necessary, report to a subsequent meeting of subscribers to be called for the purpose."
The Mildura Cultivator (Vic), 31 May 1913.



Address:Deakin Avenue, Mildura, 3500
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.18589
Long: 142.161695
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:People
Sub-Theme:Government - Local


Front Inscription

This Rotunda
Is Dedicated To The Memory Of 
Councillor George DeSailly, J. P. 
A Resident Of Mildura Since 1890,
Who Died 20th May 1913.

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au