
James BeattonPrint Page Print this page

1907 : State Library of South Australia - B-26921
1907 : State Library of South Australia - B-26921

Photographs supplied by K. Hoekstra

The fountain commemorates James Beatton who had served as Postmaster of the town for twenty-four years. It originally stood at the wharf end of Commercial Road and is a decorative cast-iron drinking fountain.

On Friday morning it was thought that as so many northern residents were visiting the port it would be a good opportunity of handing over to the corporation the memorial fountain which had been erected to the memory of the late Mr. James Beatton, who was postmaster here for 26 years. The fountain is erected on the wharf, opposite the end of Commercial-road, and is a very neat-looking structure in iron, being the work of Messrs. Stewart & Harley, of Adelaide.

The secretary of the committee (Mr. K. A. Richardson), in asking the mayor to take over the fountain on behalf of the corporation, said that twelve months ago Mr. J. T. Beatton retired after 50 years service as an officer of the State and Commonwealth. It had been arranged to signalise the event by presenting him with a testimonial, but before this could be done death claimed him. It was then decided that a more lasting memorial should be arranged for, and the fountain was the outcome of this decision. The memorial had been contributed to by all sections of the community, from the far north, the west, and north west, as well as from Port Augusta and district.
Chronicle (Adelaide), 14 July 1906.


Address:Jervois & Marryatt Streets, Gladstone Square, Port Augusta, 5710
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.491773
Long: 137.763677
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Fountain
Monument Theme:People
Sub-Theme:Government - Colonial
Designer:Stewart & Harley (Adelaide, SA)
Monument Manufacturer:Sun Foundry


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 6th July, 1906
Front Inscription

Erected to the memory of Jamaes Beatton

For 24 years Postmaster of this town.

Died November 25, 1905.


Source: MA,NRUM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au