
John McDouall StuartPrint Page Print this page

Unveiling 1960 (John Edwards Collection)
Unveiling 1960 (John Edwards Collection)

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / Rick Moore / Russell Byers / John Edwards Collection / Henry Moulds

The Attack Creek Historical Reserve commemorates explorer John McDouall Stuart. The creek is the point from which Stuart turned back from his 1860 expedition to cross the continent, after an encounter with hostile Warumunga Aboriginal people.

The cairn was unveiled in 1960. 


Address:Stuart Highway, Attack Creek Historical Reserve , Attack Creek, 0862
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -19.023653
Long: 134.141358
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:People
Actual Event Start Date:25-June-1860
Actual Event End Date:25-June-1860
Artist:Angel Michael Sahariv


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 25th June, 1960
Front Inscription

On 25 June 1860, John McDouall Stuart and his two companions William Kekwick and Benjamin Head reached Attack Creek their most northerly point of that expedition.  

Hostile natives and illness forced the party to return.

This plaque was unveiled by the Honourable Paul Hasluck M.P., Minister of State for Territories.

25th June 1960

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au