
Laura & Colleen IrwinPrint Page Print this page

Wall 2 : 03-April-2015
Wall 2 : 03-April-2015

Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown

The Colaura Gardens and granite wall, featuring artwork and photographs, commemorates sisters Laura and Colleen who were victims of a homicide in Altona North in 2006.

A violent convicted criminal  William John Watkins raped and murdered Melbourne sisters Laura and Colleen Irwin in 2006. Watkins who was a neighbour of the girls had a string of previous offences, including a conviction for rape, aggravated burglary and theft. For those offences he was jailed for four years and three months, but was released after two years.

When Watkins applied for parole, he was assessed as being at moderate risk of reoffending. He moved into a rented flat next door to the Irwin sisters in May 2004. Watkins fled to Western Australia, and was intercepted in Karratha by Acting Sergeant Shane Gray for stealing petrol.  Watkins bashed Sergeant Gray, fracturing his skull, before the policeman shot him dead. 



Address:Wren Street, Colaura Gardens , Toolamba, 3614
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.490316
Long: 145.339151
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Garden
Monument Theme:People
Actual Event Start Date:28-January-2006
Actual Event End Date:28-January-2006


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 21st January, 2007
Front Inscription

Plaque :

This park is dedicated to the memory of Colleen & Laura Irwin

Tragically taken 

28th January 2006

Plaque :

Allan & Shirley Irwin give their heartfelt thanks to everybody involved in establishing these gardens for their beloved daughters


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au