
Violet SmithPrint Page Print this page

Violet Smith Inscription
Violet Smith Inscription

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson

A park commemorates Violet Smith who lived in the town of Tully for 46 years.

Violet Smith was a tireless member of the community and over the years had looked after a number of children who had lost their parents at a young age. Violet owned a bakery and used to deliver bread from a horse drawn cart and  became Tully's first woman driver when she purchased a delivery van. She also owned and ran the newsagency for some time. Violet refused all Council's requests to nominate her for honours seeking no recognition for her community work. 


Address:Butler Street, Tully, 4854
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -17.933975
Long: 145.924447
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:People


Front Inscription


              IN MEMORY OF 
VIOLET SMITH (SMITHY)  1903 - 1980 

A wonderful lady with a heart of gold and for many years a familiar figure in Tully

She had a great zest for life and was always ready to help the needy
           and those less fortunate.

The Tully Community remembers her with great affection.


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au