May D. HarrisonPrint Page
The Braille Library building commemorates May. D. Harrison, the founder of the Victorian Association of Braille Writers. At the official opening of the library on the 26th April 1919, a marble tablet was placed inside the building in her memory.
May Harrison was the Honorable Secretary of the Victorian Association of Braille Writers (established in 1894) which initiated Australia`s first Braille Library where she was employed as the first Chief Librarian from 1894 until her death in 1912.
The building is now used as a community centre.
The opening of the new Braille Library for the Blind has been arranged to take place on 26th April. The foundation stone of the building, which is situated in Commercial-road, Prahran, and is dedicated to the late Mrs. M. D. Harrison, was laid by Sir Edward Mitchell on 26th October, 1918. The late Mrs. Harrison was the founder of the Victorian Association of Braille Writers, and hon. secretary and librarian for eighteen years. The new building is the gift of the Edward Wilson trustees. It includes the secretary's office, entrance hall, reading room and hall, with gallery containing book-filled shelves. The hall may be used for social or concert purposes, the whole of the books are brailled, and the catalogue contains the names of 492 authors. The reading room has rest facilities for the blind, including soldiers.
The Age (Melbourne), 15 April 1919.
Address: | Commercial Road, Braille Library, Prahran, 3181 |
State: | VIC |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -37.84589 Long: 144.987484 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Structure |
Monument Theme: | People |
Sub-Theme: | Community |
Actual Monument Dedication Date: | Saturday 26th October, 1918 |
This foundation stone was laid by Sir Edward Mitchell K.C. K.C.M.G.
October 26th 1918.
This Library is the gift of the Edward Wilson Trust
This Library is dedicated to the late May D. Harrison
Founder of the Victorian Association of Braille Writers