
John ColvinPrint Page Print this page

29-April-2016 (Arthur Garland)
29-April-2016 (Arthur Garland)

Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland / Peter F Williams
The John Colvin Memorial Grandstand commemorates John Colvin for his services to the Royal Hobart Regatta Association.

HOBART, Sunday.-The foundation stone of the John Colvin grandstand at the regatta ground was laid by the Mayor on Saturday afternoon. Among those present were the Governor, the Chief Justice, and leading public men. The building, which is being built to the memory of the late Mr. John Colvin, who took an active part in aqu tic and public affairs, is to cost £2700, and £1400 has already been subscribed by the public, including £356 donated at yesterday's function.
Advocate (Burnie, Tas.), 17 November 1919.


Address:McVilly Drive, John Colvin Memorial Grandstand, Queens Domain, Hobart, 7000
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -42.877131
Long: 147.337972
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:People


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 15th November, 1919
Front Inscription

The John Colvin Memorial Grandstand 

Erected by the City Council, the Hobart Regatta Association, and a grateful public as a tribute to the memory of the late John Colvin. 

For fourteen years Honorary Secretary of the Association, 1905 - 1919.

This stone was laid by His Worship the Mayor Ald. J. C. Shield, on the 15th Novr. 1919.


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au