
Pioneers of the Cabarlah DistrictPrint Page Print this page

Cabarlah Pioneers Bicentennial Memorial Dedication Plaque
Cabarlah Pioneers Bicentennial Memorial Dedication Plaque

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson
The monument commemorates the pioneers of the Cabarlah District.


Address:New England Highway , Cabarlah, 4352
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -27.42779
Long: 151.991571
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Landscape


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 11th February, 1989
Front Inscription

This memorial to commemorate the pioneers of the Cabarlah District was unveiled by Mr. W. L. Taylor M.P Member for Groom on the 11th February, 1989.

Crows Nest Shire Chairman  - I. A. Vonhoff

Cabarlah Pioneer Bicentennial Memorial

1788 - 1988 

In commemoration of the early pioneers of the Cabarlah District who settled this area in the middle eighteen hundreds. 

The district was closely established with families earning their living from sawmilling and mixed farming. 

In 1883 the railway came to Cabarlah and three years latter(sic) was extended through Crows Nest. The line was closed in 1961.

The railway station was located 30m behind this cairn and the line crossed the new England highway at this point. 

This memorial was funded by the Australian Bicentennial Authority and the Crows Nest Shire Council and constructed by Council's workforce.  

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au