
Settlers MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Settlers Memorial Inscription
Settlers Memorial Inscription

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / Glen Yeomans / Peter F Williams / Sandra Brown

The monument commemorates Johann Pabst and John Purcell who were European pioneers of the District as well as Lieutenant Holbrook after whom the town is named.

Johann Christopher Pabst came to Australia in 1825, under contract as a shepherd to the Australian Agricultural Company (AAC). The Australian Agricultural Company was established as a land development company in 1824. Originally formed to extend and improve the flocks of Merino sheep, Pabst, along with other shepherds were recruited from Saxony. At the completion of his indenture with the AAC, Pabst moved to the Germanton area of the Riverina. Pabst became a well known land holder and publican and the area was known to locals and travellers as `The German`s` or `German`s Flat`, which eventually became Germanton.

The name of Germanton was officially changed to Holbrook in 1915, due to the strong anti-German sentiments generated by World War One and after Lieutenant Holbrook. Lieutenant Holbrook became the first submarine commander in World War One to receive the Victoria Cross and a grateful nation renamed the town in his honour. John Purtle (Purtell) arrived in the Sydney as a convict on board the Mangles in 1822. He had been sentenced at Limerick to seven years transportation. Purtell received his ticket of leave on 21 March 1827. In 1828, Purtell was employed as a stockman and shepherd at Camden. By 1858, Purtell had built, and was operating, the `Criterion Hotel` in Germanton. The Purtell family was also involved in community affairs, with John Purtell`s sons, William and Maurice, listed as stewards of the Ten Mile Creek Races in February of 1875.


Address:Albury Street, Germanton Park, Holbrook, 2644
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.718597
Long: 147.317262
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Landscape
Artist:Frank Halliday (Sculptor)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 23rd April, 1988
Front Inscription

Plaque :

Honoured here with this monument are a unity of nationalities  

The centrepiece is a life sized statue of  Commander N. D. Holbrook, V. C. (An English submariner 1914 after whom  Holbrook is named)

The arches carry relief statues of first settlers John Purcell and Johann Pabst
                                                                        (An Irishman)       (A German)

Both of whom respectively contributed the names "Ten Mile Creek" and "Germanton" by which Holbrook was known prior  to 1915

Germanton Park commemorates the pioneering families of the Holbrook District

23rd April 1988

Plaque : 

1788 - 1988

Germanton Park  

Dedicated to the pioneers of  Holbrook Shire and to commemorate the nations`s Bicentenary in 1988.  

Officially opened by  Mr. I. Glachan M.P.  Member for Albury

Saturday, 23rd April, 1988

Plaque :

Sculptures by Frank Halliday

This project was erected with the co-operation of students and staff of the Albury Technical College.

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au