
150th Anniversary of Immigrant Ship "Ariadne" Print Page Print this page

Plaque Closeup 2 : 15-December-2014
Plaque Closeup 2 : 15-December-2014

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson

The plaque commemorates the 150th anniversary of the immigrant ship "Ariadne" which was the first ship to sail directly from Liverpool to Maryborough in 1862.

The Ariadne, ship, 670 tons, Captain J. Brown, from Liverpool on the 5th June, arrived in Wide Bay on Sunday last, with 259 government immigrants on board, and about 200 tons of cargo. The Maryborough Chronicle, of the 9th inst., gives the subjoined particulars:-"With the exception of a little scurvy, the passengers all appear in excellent health.

Mr. Sheridan boarded the vessel towards the north end of Great Sandy Island, and experienced no difficulty in bringing her to an anchorage off the Heads of the Mary; he (Mr. S.) reports the vessel as being very clean and orderly. There have been 6 or 7 deaths and 6 births during the voyage, which lasted 120 days."
The Courier (Brisbane), 11 October 1862.


Address:Wharf Street , Mary River Parklands, Maryborough, 4650
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -25.538532
Long: 152.706011
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Landscape
Approx. Event Start Date:1862
Approx. Event End Date:2012


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 29th September, 2012
Front Inscription

Plaque :

150th Anniversary
1862 -2012 


First direct immigrant ship Liverpool to Maryborough

Plaque :

This plaque was unveiled by Her Excellency, the Governor of Queensland Ms Penelope Wensley AC on 29 September 2012

The Immigration Celebration - 150th anniversary sailing ship "Ariadne" is supported through funding from the Australian Government`s "Your Community Heritage Program"



Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au