
Tropic of Capricorn MarkerPrint Page Print this page

08-May-2009 (Diane Watson)
08-May-2009 (Diane Watson)

Photographs supplied by Chris McLaughlin / Diane Watson / Henry Moulds

The Tropic of Capricorn marker was built as a community project to commemorate the bi-centenary of the European settlement of Australia in 1988. 

In 1987 the local Alice Springs newspaper ran a competition for a design to replace the Tropic of Capricorn marker. The winning design was submitted by a local resident.  It consists of a stylised globe of the world on top of a slanted pole around 6. 5 metres high. A local artist was commissioned to carve the Capricorn Goats into either side of the cement base and the new marker was officially opened late 1988.


Address:Stuart Highway, 30 kilometres north of Alice Springs, Alice Springs, 0872
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -23.441889
Long: 133.832804
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Landscape
Actual Event Start Date:26-January -1788
Actual Event End Date:26-January-1988


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:1988
Front Inscription

Tropic of Capricorn

Latitude      23 - 442028
Longitude   133 - 833111

Donated by Peter Sitzler


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au