
Matthew Flinders Print Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Chris McLaughlin

The monument commemorates Matthew Flinders (1774 - 1814) ,the commander of His Majesty`s sloop "Investigator". In January 1802, he named Fowlers Bay and Point Fowler after his First Lieutenant Robert Fowler (later Admiral).

It was constructed in 1948 by Walter Fox of Coorabie.

Witnessed by the citizens of Coorabie, Bookabie and Fowler's Bay, a plaque in memory of Captain Matthew Flinders was unveiled at Fowler's Bay on Friday. A very forceful and educational address was delivered by Mr. Francis, in which he referred to the stirling qualities of this great explorer and navigator. The speaker then called upon Mrs. C. T. Giles, a pioneer resident of the district, to unveil the plaque. The "National Anthem" brought the ceremony to a fitting conclusion. During the afternoon a combined schools' sports day was held on the beach, and a very enjoyable time was had by everyone.
West Coast Sentinel (Streaky Bay, SA), 3 November 1948.


Address:Esplanade, Fowlers Bay, 5690
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -31.990056
Long: 132.43766
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:People
Actual Event Start Date:28-January-1802
Actual Event End Date:28-January-1802
Designer:Walter Fox (Coorabie, SA)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Monday 11th October, 1948
Front Inscription

Matthew Flinders  R. N.
(1774 - 1814)

Commander of H M Sloop "Investigator" on 28 January 1802 named Fowlers Bay and Point Fowler after his First Lieutenant Robert Fowler and Cape Nuyts after Pieter Nuyts of the "Gulden Zeepaard". 

The coast line was discovered by Nuyts in 1627

Unveiled 11th October 1948

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au