
Cabra-Vale Park Memorial BandstandPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Kathy Curran

The bandstand commemorates those who died in service or were killed in action during World War One. A marble plaque on the northern side of the bandstand bears the names of the 22 local men who died in the war.

In 2001, as a result of representations from the local member for Cabramatta, Ms Reba Meagher and in consultation with members of the Cabra-Vale Diggers' Club, Fairfield Heritage Committee and local community groups, Fairfield City Council commissioned the decorative metal panels around the bandstand. The panels depict those people from the district who fought in the war and supported the war effort at home, and were designed and manufactured by artists Philippa Johnson and Henry K Topolnicki of Art Is An Option.

Note: The plaque located on the bandstand states that the bandstand was erected in 1919 and dedicated on ANZAC Day of that year. The information below which was sourced from Trove states that the rotunda was officially opened in 1922. 

Mayor Cook presided at a meeting held in the Cabra town hall on Wednesday for the purpose of securing the erection of a memorial band rotunda in the Cabra-Vale park. A very strong local committee was formed, and the matter has been taken up in a very energetic manner by leading citizens. 
The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate
(Parramatta, NSW), 13 September 1919. 

On Tuesday, last week, ANZAC Day was memoriable one in the annals of Cabramatta, by reason of the memorial band rotunda being officially opened by Mr. W. R. Fitzsimons, M.L.A. The park was crowded with spectators, and most of the leading citizens in the district were present. The rotunda is a fine structure of octagonal shape, concrete base, red brick sides and pillars, concrete steps and tile roof. It was designed by a local man, Mr. Hackworthy, and does him great credlt Two white marble tablets are on the sides. One one is inscribed, "Erected to those who made the supreme sacrifice in the Great War,1914-18." On the other the following names are inscribed:  B. Archibald; W. Atkins, R. Ash, J. Brennan, A. Bonning, P. E. Bergman, E. Buckland, J. H. Evans, C. M. Garret, C. Hamblin, A. Howard, W. Knight, P. J. Kable, S. Morrison, J. Page, R. H. Saville, C. H. Snow, A. Scragg, E. C. Turner, J. Tait, D. Wakeley. 
The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate
(Parramatta, NSW), 3 May 1922. 


Address:Railway Parade & Bartley Street, Cabravale Park, Cabramatta, 2166
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.891181
Long: 150.939169
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:Mr Hackworthy (designer) Philippa Johnson & Henry K Topolnicki (Panels)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 25th April, 1922
Front Inscription

Erected to the memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice

- in the Great War of -1914 - 1918

[ Names ]

Left Side Inscription

Cabra-Vale Park Memorial Bandstand

This bandstand ws erected in the Park in 1919 in honour of the soldiers who died in the First World War.

The bandstand was built at a cost of 350 Australian Pounds, and was dedicated on ANZAC Day 1919.  A marble plaque on the northern side of the memorial bears the names of the 22 local men who died in the war.

In 2001, as a result of representations from the local Mber for Cabramatta, Ms Reba Meagher and in consultation with members of the Cabravale Diggers Club, Fairfield heritage Commitee and local community groups, Fairfield City Council commissioned the decorative metal panels around the bandstand.

The panels depict those people from the District who fought in the war and supported the war effort at home, and were designed and manufactured by artists Philippa Johnson and Henryk Topolnicki of Artisan Option

Source: NRWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au