
Seafarers Memorial WallPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Kent Watson / Graeme Saunders / Chris McLaughlin

The Seafarers Memorial Wall commemorates those people who have died at sea off the coast of Portland.

The wall has a number of plaques which contain details of individuals who have died as well as a plaque honouring those who died in the sinking of the "Marie" in 1851. 

On the 13th September 2009, a plaque was added to commemorate the Portland whaleboat crew who died during a rescue attempt at the wreck of the Julia on the 2nd August 1863. 


Address:Bentinck Street, Portland, 3305
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.342172
Long: 141.607092
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Disaster


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 26th October, 1993
Front Inscription

City of Portland

The "Seafarers Memorial Wall" was officially dedicated by the Minister of Planning the Honourable R. MacLellan M. P. on 26 October 1993.

In memory of those who lost their lives at sea off the coast of Portland.

Plaque :
In memory of the Portland Whaleboat Crew John McGregor, Patrick Danalhearn, George Pillinger, William Mount, Richard Shea & James Goodrich who died in a rescue attempt at the wreck of the "Julia" near Narrawong 2. 8. 1863

Plaque :
To commemorate the sinking of the barque "Marie" off Cape Bridgewater in September 1951 with the loss of 25 lives  including the Belgian Consul, Mr. E. Wyvekens.  

This plaque was unveiled by His Excellency Dr. Jacques Scavee Ambassador of Belgium on 26 October, 1993.  Sponsored by the City of Portland

Plaque :
In memory of David Brewster 1847 - 1890 who died on the 9th of January 1890 in a diving accident whilst working on the construction of the original Portland Pier.  Erected by the Maddock family 4. 9. 2011

Plaque :
In memory of Nicholi Feudoloff born Russia 1861 died at sea aboard fishing vessel "Queen" 23rd July 1896 Aged 35. Husband of Mary (Beaquglehole), father of 6.  A tribute from his grandchildren

Plaque :

In loving memory of our brothers Phillip Norman aged 20 Geoffrey Andrew aged 13 swept off rocks while fishing at Cape Nelson 25 July 1948

Plaque :
To commemorate the loss of life of Charles Hall lost at sea on 30 December, 1981.  Remembered by Mona and Judith

Plaque :
To commemorate the loss of life of Andrew Carl Halliday lost at sea aboard trawler "Allan" on 1 December 1984 aged 23 years.  Loved and remembered always

Plaque :
To commemorate the loss of life of Dale Norton Milich, lost at sea aboard Portland trawler "Karystos" on 16 November 1985. Remembered always by his family.

Plaque :
To commemorate the loss of life of Graham Hartley Couzner who drowned at sea aboard  "Tammy R" on 26 July 1991.  Remembered always by family and friends.

Plaque :
Sacred to the memory of Joseph Norris Elleway tragically died at sea 21 February, 1996.  Remebered always by family and friends.  Eternally at sea

Plaque :  
Captain Thomas Joseph Lloyd 

Plaque :  
Michael Lloyd

Plaque : 
Colin David Marley

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au