
Kimberley Helicopter Pilot MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Memorial 3 : 10-June-2016
Memorial 3 : 10-June-2016

Photographs supplied by Erich Nussbaumer

The monument commemorates helicopter pilots killed in accidents while working in the pastoral industry across northern Australia. The project was spearheaded by the Wortley family from Ruby Plains Station.

The monument includes a metal sign designed and crafted by Northern Metalwork in Kununurra and has an an image of mustering on a cattle station cut into it. It stands 4m long and almost 3m tall. The memorial is fenced and includes a bench for sitting and reflecting, and there is room on the sign for plaques with the names of fallen pilots and the date and location of their crash.

Since 2005, 15 people have been killed while using helicopters to round up cattle in Australia, and six of those were in the Kimberley region, where stations can stretch to a million acres and pastoralists grapple with moving their herd over huge distances.



Address:Duncan Road, Halls Creek Rodeo Grounds, Halls Creek, 6770
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -18.231159
Long: 127.676962
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Disaster
Designer:Northern Metalwork (Kununurra, WA)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 23rd July, 2015
Front Inscription

Kimberley Helicopter Pilot Memorial

This memorial is dedicated to the Helicopter Pilots who lost their lives while working in the pastoral industry across Northern Australia.

The memorial came from an idea by Kimberley Pastoralists and was made possible by generous donations from families, pastoralists, businesses and individuals.

July 2015

Left Side Inscription
[ Names ]
Inscription in Proximity
The Kimberley Helicopter Memorial project would like to thank the following people / organisations who made this possible

[ List of Donors ]

To all the people behind the scenes who made it happen if we missed you on the list -Thank you
Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au