
150th Anniversary of Presbyterian ChurchPrint Page Print this page

05-February-2021 [Stephen Warren}
05-February-2021 [Stephen Warren}

Photographs supplied by Graeme Saunders / Stephen Warren

The plaque commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Penola.

In 1856 the first Presbyterian Church in Penola was opened on the last Sunday in October. Services were held for all denominations four years previous to that. 


Address:Arthur & Portland Streets, St Andrew`s Presbyterian Church, Penola, 5277
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.377617
Long: 140.838319
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Culture
Approx. Event Start Date:October-1856
Approx. Event End Date:October-2006


Approx. Monument Dedication Date:October-2006
Front Inscription

To the glory of God

Celebrating 150 years of the Presbyterian Church in Penola

1856 - 2006

The anniversary of the porch and bell tower built in 1906 complementing the Church which opened for worship in 1870

October 2006

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au