
Soldiers' MemorialPrint Page Print this page

06-September-2005 : Original Sculpture on top of column
06-September-2005 : Original Sculpture on top of column

Photographs supplied by Kent Watson / Russell Byers / James Cosgrove / Adrian Abrook / Peter Williams

The monument commemorates the 458 local soldiers who died in service or were killed in action in World War One.   

The 'Winged Victory' on the top of the monument was sculpted by Gilbert Doble's and is a sculpture of Nike, the Winged Goddess of Victory, with a laurel leaf in one hand, a sword raised in triumph in the other. Her downturned eyes recognise the great sacrifices made by the local community during World War One. The memorial was unveiled on the 24th May 1919.

In 1962, the original sculpture was removed for repairs. It was restored and returned to its position outside Marrickville Town Hall in 1988 as part of Council’s Bicentennial Program. In September 2008 concerns were raised over the general condition of the Winged Victory after significant cracks were identified. The sculpture was then removed to minimise public risk. The original sculpture has become the focal point of the new World War One Galleries at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. 

The new sculpture, created by artists Peter Corlett and Darien Pullen, was unveiled in April 2015. It pays homage to Doble's original but with some subtle changes. In particular, the position of the sword was changed from being raised in triumph to pointing down to earth. This has stopped it from acting as a lightning rod, which was discovered as a significant cause of the damage that had afflicted the original.  



Address:Marrickville Road, In front of Town Hall, Marrickville, 2204
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.909438
Long: 151.154252
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Artist:Gilbert Doble (original sculpture), Peter Corlett & Darien Pullen (replacement sculpture)
Monument Manufacturer:Meridian Foundry (replacement sculpture)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 24th May, 1919
Front Inscription

Pro Patria

Erected to the honor and glory of the men of Marrickville who gave their lives for God and the cause of humanity if the Great War

1914 - 1919.

"They died that we might lLive.-
Hail !- and farewell ! 

- All honour give to those who nobly striving, nobly fell that we might live."

Gilbert Doble

Plaque : 

This stone was laid by the Mayor Ald. J. T. Ness, J.P.
26th January 1919.

Plaque : 

This memorial was unveiled by His Excellency Sir Walter David K.C.M.G. Governor of New South Wales
24th May 1919. 


Left Side Inscription
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Back Inscription
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Right Side Inscription
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Inscription in Proximity


Source: MA,NRWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au