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Liberty Park Plaque : 06-March-2015
Liberty Park Plaque : 06-March-2015

Photographs supplied by Stephen Woods / Sandra Brown

Liberty Park was originally established to commemorate those who served in World War One. The park was officially opened on the 15th November 1919. 

Funding through the ANZAC Centenary Grants Program provided for the replacement of Memorial Trees and inclusion of dedicated plinths for World War One soldiers who died in service or were killed in action.  The park also contains additional plaques to those who served in World War Two as well as the War Memorial. 

The new park at Lake Cargelligo was officially opened on the 15th. ult. the President of the Lachlan Shire (Cr. W. H. Crouch) performing the ceremony. He was accompanied by several of the Councillors The park was named by competition, the name decided being "Liberty Park."  It is situated on the bank of the Lake. Only a small portion of the area is fenced at present. The Iadies of the Lake town hit upon a novel and patriotic idea in connection with the tree planting. Every tree planted has attached to it a disc, on which is painted the colors of a local soldier, with his name rank, Battalion and other military records inscribed.

Cr. Crouch, in performing the opening ceremony, congratulated the town and district on having such an attractive little park, and specially commended the ladies for their thoughtfulness in connection with the tree planting.
The Wyalong Advocate and Mining, Agricultural and Pastoral Gazette (NSW), 2 December 1919.


Address:Lake Street, Lake Cargelligo, 2672
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.298662
Long: 146.376933
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Park
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 15th November, 1919
Front Inscription

Plaque : 

In 1916 on 2nd August the relatives & friends of all those who had enlisted in the war from the Cargelligo district met at the small park on the shores of the lake. A tree was dedicated to each soldier & altogether 51 trees were planted on that day. The onus for caring for the trees was with the families who planted them. A competition was held among the school children for the naming of the park & it was agreed that Joe Wood's entry of Liberty Park was the best. 

In 1919 the ANZAC Service was held in Liberty park for the first time.

On the same day the ANZAC cenotaph was unveiled by the shire president (Mr Crouch) & the Rotunda was generously provided by the Oddfellows Lodge in memory of their fallen comrades to the citizens of Lake Cargelligo. 

In 1973 The Rotary Club erected a BBQ in this rotunda. 

The Centenary Rock was installed on the 30 / 9 / 1973 in memory of the pioneers of the Lake Cargelligo district at the local Centenary Celebrations. 

The new ANZAC entrance was upgraded in 2003 by members of the local RSL branch. A second rotunda & seating was erected by the local Rotary Club in 2003 across from the Visitors Centre.  The retaining wall was built in 2003 to prevent erosion of the park foreshores.  The park is maintained and cared for by the Lachlan Shire Council staff. 

Source: MA, DVA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au