
100 Years of Freemasonry in KiamaPrint Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Graeme Saunders / Peter F Williams

The tree, planted in 1971, commemorates 100 years of Freemasonry in Kiama. The tree is planted on the site of Kiama`s first open air church service and near the site of the first Masonic Lodge which met on the 5th July 1871, 


Address:Terralong Street, Black Beach Bay, Kiama, 2533
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.670567
Long: 150.855775
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Tree
Monument Theme:Culture
Actual Event Start Date:05-July-1871
Actual Event End Date:05-July-1871


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 3rd July, 1971
Front Inscription

Lodge Kiama No. 35 U.G.L. of N.S.W.

This plaque unveiled by His Worship the Mayor of Kiama, Ald. P. J. Saphin, commemorates the planting of a Morton Bay Fig tree, adjacent hereto, by Most Worshipful Bro. Robert Arthur Hammond Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of N.S.W. on the 3rd July 1971, to celebrate "100 years of Freemasonry in Kiama". 

This being the site of the first open air church service in Kiama and near to the site of the first Masonic Meeting of Lodge Samaritan No. 294 in 5th July, 1871


Source: MA,H
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au