
Diamond Jubilee of Goulburn Red CrossPrint Page Print this page

Plaque Inscription : 16-March-2015
Plaque Inscription : 16-March-2015

Photographs supplied by Peter F Williams

The Tree was originally planted in 1974, to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of the Goulburn Branch of the Red Cross. 

The meeting convened by the Mayoress (Miss Betts) and held at the Town Hall on Thursday afternoon for the purpose of forming a branch in Goulburn of the Red Cross Society, in response to Lady Munro Ferguson’s appeal, was very largely attended. There were about 150 ladies present, and amongst the gentlemen in attendance were the Mayor (Ald. Betts), His Lordship Bishop Barlow, Archdeacon Bartlett, Dr. Burkitt, Captain McShane, and Rev. H.K. Gordon. The Mayor presided, and apologised for the unavoidable absence of the matron of the Kenmore Hospital, who in her letter said that there were 70 members of the staff engaged in arranging for outfits and they had plenty of work to do, but after that she would give any assistance that night be required, Several other apologies were received, including one from Dr. Gillespie.

The Mayor explained the objects of the meeting. And he said naturally the question arose as to what the Red Cross Society was. He had no doubt but that most of those present knew that there was a great institution in England known as the Medical Department of the Army and Navy, which was entrusted by the authorities to make special provision for the comforts of the sick and wounded in any wars in which the Empire night be engaged. The Red Cross Society was formed in England for the purpose of providing additional comforts outside the army department. Efforts were now being made to form a branch of that Society in Australia and of course the question was whether we were to form or initiate a branch of that society in Goulburn. It was quite within our bounds to form a society in Goulburn and afterwards to affiliate with the great Australian branch, which would have its headquarters either in Sydney or Melbourne. 
Except from article in Gouburn Evening Penny Post, 15th August 1914. 

Note : From the photos supplied to Monument Australia it appears that the plaque and tree may have been replaced recently. 


Address:Auburn & Montague Streets, Belmore Park, Goulburn, 2580
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.755299
Long: 149.720337
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Tree
Monument Theme:Culture
Approx. Event Start Date:August -1914
Approx. Event End Date:August -1974


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 28th August, 1974
Front Inscription

28TH AUGUST 1974

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au