
460 SquadronPrint Page Print this page

460 Squadron Plaque 1
460 Squadron Plaque 1

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson

The monument commemorates those who served and the thousand who did not return while serving with 460 Squadron during World War Two.

460 Squadron was first formed as a heavy bomber squadron during World War Two on 15 November 1941 and disbanded on 10 October 1945 after seeing extensive combat over Europe. The squadron was a multinational unit, but most personnel were Australian.


Address:Airport Drive, Kingsford-Smith Memorial, Brisbane Airport, 4007
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -27.399444
Long: 153.108611
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:03-September-1939
Actual Event End Date:15-August-1945


Front Inscription

460 Squadron

Plaque :

460 Squadron Royal Australian Air Force

United Kingdom and Europe
World War II
1939 1945

In memory of the thousand who failed to return 

For your tomorrow
They gave their today

Plaque :

460 Squadron
Wellington - Lancaster
Royal Australian Air Force
1939 - 1945

Dedicated to all who served and in memory of our thousand who failed to return

For your tomorrow
They gave their today

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au