
5th Infantry BattalionPrint Page Print this page

18-July-2014 [Chris McLaughlin]
18-July-2014 [Chris McLaughlin]

Photographs supplied by Chris McLaughlin

The plaque commemorates those who served with the 5th Infantry Battalion in the Darwin area during World War Two.

The Battalion was known as the Victorian Scottish Regiment. It left Melbourne on 15 September 1943 travelling to the Northern Territory by rail via Adelaide. The Battalion arrived at Adelaide River 67 1/2 Mile on 26 September 1946. The Unit left the Northern Territory for Melbourne in September 1944 and was disbanded on 31 December 1944 at Wallgrove in NSW.


Address:Esplanade, Bicentennial Park, adjacent to Cenotaph, Darwin, 0800
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -12.466796
Long: 130.839966
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:03-September-1939
Actual Event End Date:15-August-1945


Front Inscription

5th Australian Infantry Battalion (A.I.F.)
Victorian Scottish Regiment

Erected to the memory of all 5th Battalion personnel who served in the Darwin area during the years 1943 - 44 

Lest We Forget

Source: MA,SKP
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au