
National Council of Women War Memorial Fund BuildingPrint Page Print this page

24-June-2021 (South Australian History Network - Public Domain)
24-June-2021 (South Australian History Network - Public Domain)

Photographs supplied by Stephen Warren / South Australian History Network - Public Domain

The building commemorates the women who served in World War Two.

At the general meeting of the National Council of Women, in North Terrace, last night the executive of the NCW was empowered, by a unanimous vote, to proceed with the establishment of a fund to acquire a property in the city which would be known as the NCW War Memorial to women who served and who fell in the second world war.

The president of the NCW (Mrs. H. J. Lipman), who put a resolution to this effect to the meeting, said that tentative plans had been made to call a public meeting in the near future to launch a general appeal for funds to purchase a building which would serve as headquarters for the NCW and would also provide accommodation which was urgently needed by many women's organisations in Adelaide.
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA), 9 July 1954.


Address:95 South Terrace, Adelaide, 5000
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.935853
Long: 138.595527
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:03-September-1939
Actual Event End Date:15-August-1945


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 21st July, 1973
Front Inscription

Plaque inside building :

The National Council of Women War Memorial Fund Building

Purchased by the women of South Australia in proud remembrance of the women who served and those who fell in the World War 

[ 1939 - 1945 ]

Source: SKP, MA,SAHN
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au