
Barkstead State School Honour RollPrint Page Print this page

Barkstead State School Honour Roll : 06-October-2012
Barkstead State School Honour Roll : 06-October-2012

Photographs supplied by Kent Watson

The honour roll commemorates former students from the Barkstead State School who served in World War One.

The people of Barkstead mustered in full force in the schoolroom on Friday evening, 16th inst., for the purpose of witnessing the unveiling of an honor board, on which were inscribed the names of the local lads who took part in the late war. The room was closely packed with an appreciative audience. The chair was taken by ex-Cr. J. Reimets, who presided in his usual manner. The honor board, an ornate production, containing ten names, a very creditable number for such a small place, four of whom, or forty per cent, making the supreme sacrifice. Mr C. C. Phillips, who did the unveiling, lauded the loyalty, bravery, self-sacrifice and patriotic spirit, which animated those who enlisted.

He paid a high tribute to the spirit and pluck of the Australians, and cited instances wherein those qualities were displayed to the great consternation of the foe. Mr Phillips also presented the Education Department's War Record to Miss Feehan, and in doing so drew attention to the patriotic spirit shown by the teachers and officers who enlisted, also to the various organisations for raising money and providing comforts for the men at the front. He also gave statistics of the work done, and instances of self-denial shown by all from the smallest child upward.

The speaker’s remarks were greeted with frequent and hearty applause. When the Honor Board was unveiled the speaker stated that doubtless the people of Barkstead would in years to come venerate the names inscribed thereon, and reverence the memory of the fallen. The audience stood for a moment with bowed heads in reverence of the memory of those who gave their lives.
Ballarat Star (Vic), 24 June 1922. 


Address:20 Vincent Street, Daylesford RSL, Daylesford, 3460
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -37.340978
Long: 144.142581
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 16th June, 1922
Front Inscription

Barkstead State School

Our Scholars who served in the Great War
 1914 - 18

[ Names ] 

Plaque :


"A Tribute"

To the nurses and soldiers who fought in either war

They came. They marched but with shorter steps

The wavering flag, The poppies dropped
They stuck it to the end.  Brave men.

D. Rounds

Source: MA,VWHI
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au