
7th Australian Infantry BattalionPrint Page Print this page

Plaque Location
Plaque Location

Photographs supplied by Glen Yeomans

The plaque commemorates those who served in the 7th Australian Infantry Battalion during World War One.

The plaque location is indicated by a red poppy in the second image. 

The 7th Battalion was raised in 1914 as part of the Australian Imperial Force and was completely recruited from the state of Victoria.  The battalion served during the Gallipoli campaign where it had the distinction of having four of its members awarded the Victoria Cross. In 1916, it was transferred to Europe, fighting in the trenches along the Western Front for the next two and a half years.



Address:Fairbairn & Limestone Avenues, Captain Reg Saunders Courtyard, Australian War Memorial, Campbell, 2612
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.280499
Long: 149.148466
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Plaque
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 19th October, 2006
Front Inscription

7th Australian Infantry Battalion
1st Division, AIF

1914 - 18

Four Victoria Crosses
Lone Pine 1915

Somme 1916  Somme 1918  Pozieres  Bullecourt  Ypres 1917  Menin Road  Polygon Wood  Broodseinde  Poelcappelle Passchendaele  Lys  Hazebrouck  Amiens  Albert 1918  (Chuignes)  Hindenburg Line  Epehy  France and Flanders 1916 - 1918  Helles  Krithia  

Landing at ANZAC Defence at ANZAC  Suvla  Sari Bair - Lone Pine  Gallipoli 1915  Suez Canal  Egypt 1915-1916

In memory of those who died on active service and all those who served in the Battalion

Dedicated on 19 October 2006 by 7th Battalion the Royal Australian Regiment Association


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au