
War Memorial GunPrint Page Print this page

War Memorial Gun : 24-April-2011
War Memorial Gun : 24-April-2011

Photographs supplied by Glen Yeomans

The captured German machine-gun commemorates the victory of Great Britain and her allies in World War One. 

The Progress Association has dug out a machine gun captured from the Germans, which was to have been erected some years ago. Owing to some cause the matter had been shelved until quite recently, but now the memorial of our soldiers' heroism is to see the light of day. It has been decided that the local school would be the best place to erect it. The authorities have promised the services of Brigadier-General Cox and staff for the unveiling, and the Forestry Department has offered trees and shrubs for beautifying the surroundings of the War Memorial, and also for town planting. 
Western Champion (Parkes, NSW), 23 April 1925.

Arrangements are going forward for the celebration on June 3rd. The gun has been mounted, but the concrete is still wet. A rail has yet to be fixed around the memorial and some minor jobs to be completed. A large luncheon booth is being erected where luncheon is to be served on "The Day." Mr. F. B. Brown has erected a large flag pole at his own expense, close to the gun. The Minister of Education has granted the local school children a holiday for the day, and the kiddies are looking forward to a fine time.
Western Champion (Parkes, NSW), 4 June 1925.


Address:Umang & Bulbodney Street, Memorial Park, Tottenham, 2873
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.244309
Long: 147.355944
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Technology
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 3rd June, 1925
Front Inscription

Plaque :

This captured German gun was presented to the townspeople of Tottenham by the military authorities for the Returned  Soldiers League to commemorate the victory of Great Britain and her Allies during World War 1.

It was originally erected on a foundation laid for a pedestal on the site of the original park in Tottenham at the north end of  Bulbodney Street in May 1925.  

On the 3rd June 1925 Brigadier-General C. Cox (Fighting Charlie) unveiled the War Memorial Gun.

A bottle time capsule was laid in the foundation pedestal.

It was raised and opened on New Year`s Eve 1999 in the Tottenham Memorial Hall at the New Millenium celebrations.

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au