
Renmark Soldiers MemorialPrint Page Print this page

12-May-2016 (Chris McLaughlin)
12-May-2016 (Chris McLaughlin)

Photographs supplied by Chris McLaughlin / Henry Moulds

The hall commemorates those who served in World War One.

It was opened 3rd March 1923 at a cost of £5300 and contains four honour rolls listing the names of those who had served from Renmark and District in World War One. It is a remembrance of the sacrifice made by those whose names appear on the rolls. The foundation stone for the building was laid by Sir William Birdwood on the 16th March 1920.

Steady progress is being made with the erection of the Renmark Soldiers' Memorial. Much of the masonry work has been done, and it is expected that the carpenters will be on the job shortly. Mr. W. Fricker has the contract, and his foreman, Mr. Bateman, is supervising the work. The memorial will be one of the most imposing structures in the town. On the ground floor provision will be made for the library and public reading room in connection with the Institute chambers for the District Council, two cloak rooms and a vestibule measuring 25ft. x 16ft. In this will be displayed the four honour rolls now hanging in the Institute.

The top floor will contain an assembly room 65 x 25, which will be leased to the Returned Soldiers' League at a nominal rental under an agreement that has already been made. The room will be subdivided to meet the League's requirements, and will be used as a club.
Murray Pioneer and Australian River Record (Renmark, SA),
5 May 1922.


Address:Ral Ral & James Avenues, Renmark, 5341
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -34.170118
Long: 140.749347
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:Bruce & Harrel (architects)
Monument Manufacturer:Mr. Fricker


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 3rd March, 1923
Front Inscription


Soldiers Memorial

Source: RVWM, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au