
H.M.A.S. AE2Print Page Print this page

Dedication Plaque: 26-April-2016
Dedication Plaque: 26-April-2016

Photographs supplied by Peter Williams

The monument commemorates the crew of the H.M.A.S. AE2 submarine which penetrated the Dardenelles Strait during the troop landings at ANZAC Cove in April 1915. The memorial contains an etched plaque sculptured by Ross Bastiaan detailing the history of the submarine at Gallipoli during World War One.  

HMAS AE2 was the first Allied submarine to penetrate the Dardanelles in 1915 as part of the Gallipoli Campaign, on the very morning the ANZAC soldiers landed at Anzac Cove. After five hectic days "running amok", she finally fell to Turkish gunfire and was scuttled. Her crew was captured and spent the rest of the war as Turkish POWs. AE2 lay, unseen, until in 1998 she was discovered, intact, in 73 metres of water in the Sea of Marmara.


Address:Garden Island Naval Base, Garden Island, 2011
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -33.858408
Long: 151.229999
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:25-April-1915
Actual Event End Date:30-April-1915
Designer:Dr. Ross J. Bastiaan
Artist:Dr. Ross J. Bastiaan


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 22nd April, 2009
Front Inscription

Plaque :

Australia`s Submarine AE2
Gallipoli 1915
(History of AE2 at Gallipoli)

Plaque :

Dedicated to the crew of HMAS AE2
Departed Garden Island 19 December 1914 bound for the Dardanelles

Jointly unveiled by the Honourable Warren Snowdon MP Minister for Defence Science and Personnel
H. E. N. Murat Ersavci Ambassador for the Republic of Turkey
22 April 2009

Site generously sponsored by Thales Australia


Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au