
Christ Church Cathedral Warriors ChapelPrint Page Print this page

09-October-2017 (John Huth)
09-October-2017 (John Huth)

Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown / John Huth / Paul Scott

The Warriors Chapel commemorates those from the Newcastle Diocese who died in service or were killed in action in World War One. The foundation stone was laid by the Governor-General in August 1923.

The chapel is in the cathedral on the northern side to the left of the altar. It is of sandstone construction, a pale yellow in colour. Nine stained glass windows overlook the chapel. Under the windows is a carved sandstone relief. At the western end, is an effigy of Alfred Henry Forster, a wooden cross of a unknown British Soldier, a Changi Rushlist, and a stone medallion from Canterbury Cathedral. The effigy is of Alfred Henry Forster of the Scots Greys, who died of wounds, 10th March 1919. The original of this effigy is in the Church of All Hallows, by-the-Tower, London.  In the wall behind the effigy is the foundation stone for the chapel.  There is also a memorial by Cecil Thomas to the fallen of World War One. On the floor in the centre of the chapel is a stone placed by the children of Edward and Caroline Parnell.

The chapel, which is the gift of the late Mr. Hudson Berkeley, and of his widow, is to be built on the north-east side of the Newcastle Cathedral, and will, it is anticipated, be one of the most beautiful of its kind In Australia. The whole of the interior walls will be of Sydney freestone, with arcade recesses on three sides. An apsidal sanctuary, with marble reredos, will be situated at the eastern end, while the chapel floor will be composed of New South Wales marble, given by the Parnell family. Pierced and wrought iron doors will enclose the memorial shrine recessed in the masonry of the southern wall. The shrine will be constructed of moulded corbal brackets with recess arcades, in which will be kept the "Book of Gold," containing the names of all the residents of the Newcastle diocese who laid down their lives for their country during the Great War. Immediately above the shrine will be an exquisite bronze of the Crucifixion, by W. Mark, of Melbourne, with a suitable inscription carved in the solid stone. The memorial on the western side will consist of three Gothic headed recessed archways, in the centre of which will be boldly carved the badge of the the badge of the Australian troops, while the flag carried by the local regiment, the 35th Battalion, throughout the campaign will be placed immediately below.

A feature of exceptional beauty and interest will be the chapel windows, which, 13 in number, will be richly coloured and delicately designed. The desire is that the scenes and characters portrayed shall present the story of the effort and sacrifice of the war in the light of an offering to Christ. The masonry inside the chapel will be artistically moulded, while the seating will be of darkly stained cedar. The roof will be covered on the outside with copper, the inside being of open timbered work. Projecting corbals, carved with angelic figures, will also enhance the beauty of the building. One of the original stones of the Canterbury Cathedral, England is being forwarded by the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, to be built into the walls of the chapel, thus associating the new building with the mother church.
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW), 2 August 1923.


Address:52 Church Street, Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle, 2300
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -32.929167
Long: 151.780401
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:F. G. & A. C. Castleden (Newcastle, NSW)
Monument Manufacturer:C. Davies & Sons (Adamstown, NSW)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Thursday 2nd August, 1923
Front Inscription

Hallowed in Christ be the memory of the brave men & women who died in the Great War for the freedom of the world

They shall yet stand before the throng of an exceeding great army and in that last muster there shall be found these our own well beloved

Plaque :

A. M. D. G.

And in grateful memory of our beloved who died in the Great War 1914 - 1918

The foundation stone of this memorial was laid by His Excellency, the Right Honourable Lord Forster P.C. G.C.M.G. Governor-General of Australia

The second day of August 1923

"Other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid which is Jesus Christ."

The fabric of this Chapel is the gift of Hudson Berkeley and his wife Annie Fowler Berkeley


Source: SKP, NRWM, MA, PS
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au