
Ondit State School Roll of HonourPrint Page Print this page

Belgium Museum: 09-September-2015
Belgium Museum: 09-September-2015

Photographs supplied by Sandra Brown / Department of Veteran Affairs

The wooden roll of honour commemorates former students of the Ondit State School who served in World War One. 

After the school closed down, the local community gave the honour roll to the Colac RSL for safe-keeping and display. However the townsfolk were incensed when their honour roll was simply stored under the stage at the RSL Club, so they formed a committee and demanded its return. For the past 20 years, the honour roll has been stored in a shed at a private home in Ondit, before being handed over to the Department of Veteran Affairs as part of the Great War exhibition.  The Ondit community hasn't yet decided where they will display the honour roll once it's returned to them in 2018.
(Information supplied by Sandra Brown, Voluntary Research Officer, Monument Australia.)

On Tuesday, 8th inst., the ceremony of unveiling the Honor Roll at the Ondit State School was performed by the Reverend H. Postle of Beeac, in the presence of a number of parents and friends. The Roll of Honor, a large cedar board, with the names in gold and black lettering, and which is the work of Mr. A. J. Sitlington of Colac, contains at present 13 names, to which some more are to be added. They are all names of former scholars of the Ondit School. 
The Colac Herald (Vic) 18 May 1917. 


NOTE:  This honour roll is currently on display as part of the Great War 1914 - 1918 centenary exhibition at the Memorial Museum 1917 Passchendaele at Zonnebeke (near Ypres) in Belgium.  It will remain on display until the exhibition ends before being returned to Ondit. 

Museum Address : 

Memorial Museum 1917 Passchendaele,
Berten Pilstraat 5a, 8980 Zonnebeke, Belgium. 

The photographs of the roll are from the display in Belgium. 


GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.252353
Long: 143.636217
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Honour Roll
Monument Theme:Conflict
Actual Event Start Date:04-August-1914
Actual Event End Date:28-June-1919
Designer:Mr. A. J. Sitlington (Colac, VIC)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Tuesday 8th May, 1917
Front Inscription

Ondit State School

Roll of Honor

[ Names ]

Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au