
Sarina Soldiers` Monument Print Page Print this page


Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / Russell Byers / John Huth

The Sarina Soldiers` Monument was originally erected to commemorate those from the District who enlisted in World War One. Names were added at a later date to commemorate those who served in World War Two and additional plaques were added to commemorate later conflicts.

The monument comprises a pedestal surmounted by a 'digger' statue and is surrounded by two fences. 

The ceremony of unveiling the Soldiers monument, at Sarina is announced to take place on Saturday October 2, at 3.30 p.m. This conspicuous statue is a credit to Sarina residents and has been erected in a central position in the township. It is an adaption of one erected in the park at East Brisbane and stands 19ft. high. The pedestal is of stone 9ft.6in in height by 3ft. 6in. by 3ft. 6in., set in a concrete foundation, having three tier of steps. The statue represents an Australian soldier standing with arms reversed and is chiselled in stone. The design is a bold one and appropriate in every particular. The cost exceeeds £250 and is a splendid tribute to the patriotism of the district. 
Daily Mercury (Mackay, Qld),  23 September 1920.


Address:Broad Street (Bruce Highway) , Sarina, 4737
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -21.423944
Long: 149.217733
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Monument Manufacturer:Melrose & Fenwick (Townsville, QLD)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 2nd October, 1920
Front Inscription

List of killed

[ Names ]

Lest We Forget

Left Side Inscription

[ Names ]

1962 - 1972

Back Inscription

Sarina Soldiers` Monument 

Erected by public subscription 

In commemoration of those residents of Sarina Shire who enlisted in the World War of 1914 - 1919

Korea - Malaya
1948 - 1966

Right Side Inscription

[ Names ]

World War II
1939 - 1945

Inscription in Proximity

Australia Remembers
1945 - 1995

In honour of the men & women who served Australia in time of conflict during World War II

Lest We Forget

Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au