
Oxley War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Oxley War Memorial 5 : 27-05-2014
Oxley War Memorial 5 : 27-05-2014

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / John Huth / Sandra Brown

The monument was originally erected to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War One. 

Small marble plaques were added at a later date commemorate involvement in World War Two (1939 - 1945); the Korean War (1950 - 1953); the Malayan Emergency (1950 - 1960); Borneo; and the Vietnam War (1962 - 1972).

It is a marble statue of a slouch-hatted World War One soldier with arms reversed standing on a stone column.  The original statue ("Digger") from this monument is now on display in the Sherwood Services Club in Corinda, Queensland. 

The memorial was unveiled in the church grounds at Oxley by Mrs Elphinstone the wife of Mr. A. C. Elphinstone M.L.A on the 12th February 1921 in memory of the 15 local boys who fell in the First World War.
The Brisbane Courier, 14th February 1921.




Address:Oxley Road & Bannermann Street, Oxley Memorial Place, Oxley, 4075
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -27.564696
Long: 152.979793
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Monument Manufacturer:Frank Williams & Company (Ipswich, QLD)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 12th February, 1921
Front Inscription

Lest We Forget

Oxley honours the memory of

[ Names ]

Who fell in the Great War

1914 - 1919


Left Side Inscription

Malayan Emergency 1950 - 1960


Vietnam War 1962 - 1972


Back Inscription


Remembering and honouring Australia`s fallen of all conflicts

SUDAN   1885   BOER WAR  1899 - 1902 CHINA (BOXER) REBELLION  1900 -1901 FIRST WORLD WAR 1914 -1919 SECOND WORLD WAR    1939 - 1945   JAPAN (BCOF)  1945 -1952  PEACEKEEPING 1947 -  BERLIN AIRLIFT 1948 - 1949  MALAYAN EMERGENCY 1950 - 1960 KOREA 1950 -1953 VIETNAM 1962 - 1972 INDONESIAN CONFRONTATION  1964 - 1966 BORNEO 1965 - 1966 THAILAND  1965 - 1968 SOMALIA 1992 -1994  BOUGAINVILLE  1997 - 2003 EAST TIMOR 1999 - 2003 AFGHANISTAN  2001 IRAQ  2003 - 2013 SOLOMON ISLANDS  2003 - 2013

Significant Australian Conflicts Without Deaths Recorded At The Time Include: Maori Wars 1860 - 64, Cambodia 1991 -99, Rwanda 1994 - 96 
Plaque :
Australia Remembers  
1945 - 1995

In honour of the men and women who served Australia in time of conflict during World War II

Lest We Forget


Right Side Inscription
World War II   1939 - 1945.
Korean War    1950 - 1953.
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au