
Dutton Park War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Dutton Park War Memorial RSL plaque
Dutton Park War Memorial RSL plaque

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson

The monument commemorates those who died in service or were killed in action in World War One and World War Two.

A plaque was added at a later date to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in the Korean War, the Malayan and Borneo conflicts, and the Vietnam War.

Teams of volunteers added eight feet to the height of a soldiers memorial at Dutton Park in a race to complete it by Anzac Day. The memorial and a Garden of Remembrance are being built by the Dutton Park Returned Servicemen's League Sub-Branch to the memory of the dead of two World Wars. The sub-branch publicity officer, Mr W. A Peters said that he thought the column would be almost finished in time for the unveiling of the memorial by the Governor, Sir John Lavarack on Anzac Day.
The Courier-Mail (Brisbane), 23rd April 1951.


Address:Annerley & Gladstone Roads & Maldon Street, Gair Park , Dutton Park, 4102
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -27.496819
Long: 153.027106
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Wednesday 25th April, 1951
Front Inscription

In memory of fallen comrades

1939 - 1945


Left Side Inscription

In memory of fallen comrades

1914 - 1918


Back Inscription

Unveiled by His Excellency the Governor of Queensland Lieut. General Sir John Lavarack K.B.E. C.B. C.M.G. D.S.O. and  dedicated by the Rev. A. G. Reilly on 25th April 1951

Plaque :

Lest We Forget

Yeronga / Dutton Park R.S.L. Sub Branch

Merged 3. 2. 64


Right Side Inscription

In memory of fallen comrades

Korea    1950 - 1953
Malaya  1955 - 1960
Vietnam 1962 - 1971
Borneo  1965 - 1966

Source: MIV,SKP, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au