
Cloncurry War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Honour Roll 1 : 24-February-2016
Honour Roll 1 : 24-February-2016

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / Roger Johnson

The Cloncurry War Memorial was originally erected to commemorate those from the District who served in World War One and was unveiled by the Governor-General Lord Stonehaven on the 26th August 1927. The roll of honour for those who served in World War Two was added at a later date.

The original clocks have been replaced by etchings on gold metal circles paying tribute to Royal Australian Air Force (Boomerang), Royal Australian Navy (HMAS Canberra), Australian Army (Bren Carrier) and nursing (Sister M de Mestre). The memorial also features a 50th anniversary World War Two plaque. 

His Excellency, the Governor General, Lord Stonehaven, arrived in Cloncurry on Friday last from Normanton, at 10.30 a.m. by aeroplane, and was met by the Chairman of the Cloncurry Shire Council, Councillor W.A. Ross, Mr Knyvett, Police Magistrate, Councillors Gardener, Aiken, Whitehouse, Butt, Sub-Inspector Battersby, and Senior Sergeant Cahalane. 

His Excellency was driven to the R.S.S.I.L.A. War Memorial at 12 o'clock, where the ceremony of the unveiling look place. Mr J. L. Hardgrave had arranged things very nicely, and saw there were plenty of seats and flags were stretched from the Post Office Hotel to the Central, which made the town look quite gay. Mr Ross was pleased to have the great opportunity of calling on His Excellency to unveil Cloncurry's War Memorial. 
Townsville Daily Bulletin (Qld), 1 September 1927. 


Address:Sheaffer & Scarr Streets, Cloncurry, 4824
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -20.70567
Long: 140.505378
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 26th August, 1927
Front Inscription

In memory of the men of Cloncurry and District who gave their lives in the service of their country during the Great War   

1914 - 1918

Plaque :

1945 - 1995

This plaque commemorates the 50th anniversary of all the men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice in World War II

Lest We Forget


Left Side Inscription

Roll of Honour

1939 - 1945 War

[ Names ]

Back Inscription

Their name liveth for evermore

[ Names ]


Right Side Inscription

Roll of Honour

1939 - 1945 War

[ Names ]

Source: MIV,QWMR, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au