
Brandon War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Brandon War Memorial Rededication
Brandon War Memorial Rededication

Photographs supplied by Kent Watson

The monument was originally erected in 1924 to commemorate the men of Brandon who died in service or were killed in action in World War One. An additional plaque was added at a later date to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War Two.

In 2006, to celebrate the Delta Iron Works foundry’s centenary year, the owners of the foundry (Green family) commissioned a new memorial as a gift to the Brandon community. The cairn and flag pole were relocated further back within the park and a cast bronze sculpture of a First World War soldier carrying a replica of Brandon’s captured German gun was affixed atop the cairn.  A bronze dedication plaque was added to the cairn to commemorate the unveiling of the new memorial which occurred on 23 September 2006. The new memorial incorporates the original plques. 

The original statue unveiled in 1924 also featured a machine gun. The Brandon gun was captured by the 14th Battalion, First Australian Imperial Force, at Villers-Bretonneux, France, on 29 April 1918. The machine gun allocated to the town was taken down from on top of the town`s war memorial during World War Two and is now missing.  Some say it was buried to deny it to the Japanese if they had invaded eastern Australia while others believe it was melted down for scrap metal.


Address:Bruce Highway & Spillers Street, Brandon, 4808
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -19.554167
Long: 147.357222
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Sunday 21st September, 1924
Front Inscription

In memory fo the men of Brandon who fell in the Great War

1914 - 1918

"They sacrificed all for us."

Benson H.
Drysdale R.
Dunn J.
Dwyer T.
Corbett V.

Unveiled by His Excellency the Governor General Lord Forster

21st September 1924.

H. Barsby, Chairman.

Plaque :

Captured by the 14th Battalion A.I.F. at Villiers Bretonneaux 

29 - 4 - 1918.


Left Side Inscription

"They sacrificed all for us."

Gregory J.
Hoey H. E.
Julin R.
Kelly J. W.
Kelly T. H.

1939 - 1945

Leeds H. E.
Black D. J.
Jensen E. M.
Williamson G. E.

Right Side Inscription

This plaque commemorates the unveiling of this memorial by Lieutenant General P. F. Leahy, A.O. 

Chief of Army

Australian Defence Force

23 September 2006

Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au