
Augathella Memorial HallPrint Page Print this page

09-May-2019 (Sandra Brown)
09-May-2019 (Sandra Brown)

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / Sandra Brown / Henry Moulds

The hall was erected to commemorate those who served in World Wars One and Two.

In 1946 the people of Augathella and district in order to show their sincere gratitude to the members of the fighting forces for their self-sacrifing efforts proposed to build a memorial hall at a cost of approximately £4500. The Memorial Hall was officially opened on the 17th May 1947 by Councillor C. A. Little with a grand ball preceded by a race meeting in the afternoon.
The Charleville Times , 9th, 23rd & 30th May


Address:Main Street, Augathella, 4477
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -25.795157
Long: 146.584723
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Structure
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 17th May, 1947
Front Inscription

Shire of Murweh

Augathella Memorial Hall

Source: MIV, SKP, MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au