
Memorial AvenuePrint Page Print this page

17-october-2016 [Peter Williams]
17-october-2016 [Peter Williams]

Photographs supplied by Arthur Garland / Peter Willams

The Memorial Avenue was planted to commemorate those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

There are two memorial light standards at beginning of the entrance road and a series of metal plaques set on concrete bases at both standards and continuing on both sides of the road which leads to the Launceston War Memorial Hall. The plaques were unveiled on October 28th, 1989. 


Address:High Street, Windmill Park, East Launceston, 7250
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -41.435448
Long: 147.147151
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Avenue of Honour
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 26th May, 1962
Front Inscription

This Memorial Avenue dedicated to the memory of those who served their country in time of war was opened by - His Excellency the Right Honourable the Lord Rowallan Kt., KBE., MC., Governor of Tasmania

26th. May 1962

In memory of those who have served

In memory of those who have served
T.P.D.S. Association

In memory of those who have served
Merchant Navy Association
They performed their allotted tasks

In memory of those who have served
Thirty Niners Association

In memory of those who have served
The Rats of Tobruk Association

In memory of those who have served
40th Battalion 1st A.I.F.

In memory of those who have served
40th Battalion 2nd A.I.F.

In memory of those who have served
2nd 8th Australian Field Regiment

In memory of those who have served
Polish Ex-Servicement Assn Carpathian Brigade

In memory of those who have served
W.A.A.A.F. Branch

In memory of those who have served
EX-A.W.A.S. & A.A.M.W.S. Associations

In memory of those who have served
Returned Sisters Association

In memory of those who have served
Imperial Ex-Servicemen`s Association

In memory of those who have served
The Womens League of Remembrance

In memory of those who have served
Red Cross Society

In memory of those who have served
Royal Commonwealth Society


Left Side Inscription

In memory of those who have served
Royal Society of St. George

In memory of those who have served
Rotary Club of Launceston

In memory of those who have served
Air Force Association Ladies Auxiliary
Unveiled by His Worship the Mayor Ald. A. (Jimmy) Tsinoglou 
October 28, 1989

In memory of those who have served
Lions Club of Launceston

In memory of those who have served
Launcestion Ladies T.P.I. Auxiliary

In memory of those who have served
Ex-Naval Men`s Association

In memory of those who have served
Legion of Ex-servicemen and women

In memory of those who have served
Air Force Association

Source: MA,SKP
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au