Victoria Plains War MemorialPrint Page
The monument commemorates those from Victoria Plains who died in service or were killed in action in World War One and World War Two.
The world has had virtually no peace since 1914, said Mr. J. H. Ackland, M.L.A., when unveiling a war memorial here today. In the form of an obelisk the memorial bears the names of soldiers of the district who fell in World Wars 1 and 11. A procession marched from the municipal chambers headed by the Mundijong district pipe band, followed by members of the local sub-branch of the Returned Servicemen's League.
The president of the R.S.L. sub-branch (Mr. T. Drake-Brockman) introduced Mr. Ackland who then dedicated the memorial "in the name and on behalf of the residents of the Victoria Plains Road District and in grateful memory of those men who laid down their lives for their country in both world wars."
The West Australian (Perth) 5th September 1949
Address: | Caligiri - Wongan Hills Road, Calingiri Federation Memorial Park, Calingiri, 6569 |
State: | WA |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -31.089042 Long: 116.449224 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Monument |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | Multiple |
Actual Monument Dedication Date: | Sunday 4th September, 1949 |
Victoria Plains Honour Roll
1914-18 - 1939-45
[ Names ]