
Willunga War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

22-May-1926 : State Library of South Australia - B-3457
22-May-1926 : State Library of South Australia - B-3457

Photographs supplied by Bryan Cole

The monument was originally erected to commemorate those from Willunga who served in World War One.

An honour roll containing the names of those who served in World War Two and the Vietnam War were added at later dates.

Seven years ago the residents of Willunga appointed a committee to raise funds for a soldiers' memorial. At first the efforts of the committee did not meet with much success, and the matter remained in abeyance until last year, when interest was revived, and the fund swelled rapidly, with the result that the committee of which Messrs. F. Aldam and C. Lipson were chairman and secretary respectively, was able to put the work in hand. It was decided that the memorial should take the form of a monument, to be erected on a site in the centre of the township at the junction of five roads.

The stone, red granite, was imported from Scotland, and the monument was sculptured by the South Australian Monumental Works. It bears the names of 80 men who enlisted from Willunga. It is anticipated that the memorial, which cost £260, will be cleared of debt as a result of the collection taken up during the unveiling ceremony, which was performed last Saturday by Mr. H. S. Hudd, M.P.
Chronicle (Adelaide), 22 May 1926.


Address:Main Road, Festival Hall, Willunga, 5172
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -35.270808
Long: 138.55404
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:South Australian Monumental Works


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 15th May, 1926
Front Inscription

Great War  1914 - 1919.

In memory 
[ Names ]

Their name liveth for evermore.

In honor 
[ Names ]

At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. 

Left Side Inscription

World War II Honour Roll

District of Willunga, Hope Forrest, The Range, Yundi, Munetta

[ Names ]

[ Names ]

Source: MA, RVWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au