Port Broughton War MemorialPrint Page
The monument commemorates those from the District who served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved.
It was originally erected to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War One with the names of those who died in service or were killed in action in added at a later date, as well as plaques commemorating Post World War Two conflicts.
Address: | West Terrace, Port Broughton, 5522 |
State: | SA |
Area: | AUS |
GPS Coordinates: | Lat: -33.600127 Long: 137.929685 Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate. |
Monument Type: | Monument |
Monument Theme: | Conflict |
Sub-Theme: | Multiple |
Designer: | Arthur Heinicke (Adelaide, SA) |
Approx. Monument Dedication Date: | 1920 |
Front Inscription
Port Broughton District soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice during the Great War
1914 - 18
[ Names ]
Second World War
1939 - 1945
[ Names ]
Left Side Inscription
Port Broughton soldiers who enlisted and have returned
[ Names ]
Back Inscription
Port Broughton soldiers who enlisted and have returned
[ Names ]
Right Side Inscription
Source: MA,RVWM,CREPort Broughton soldiers who enlisted and have returned
[ Names ]
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au