
Yarrawonga War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

State Library of Victoria : H32942 / 8524
State Library of Victoria : H32942 / 8524

Photographs supplied by Graeme Saunders

The monument commemorates those who have served in conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

It was originally erected to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War One. The names of those who died in service or were killed in action in World War Two were added at a later date. An additional plaque was added on the 8th October 1999 to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in the South arican (Boer) War. 

The monument is a grey granite column on a granite plinth on a two-stepped base.  On top is a marble female figure of "Remembrance" holding a wreath and at the southern base of the column there is a marble statue of a World War One soldier.  Beneath the female figure is a shield engraved with images of agriculture and prosperity: a sheep, ship, a wheat sheaf and a crossed pick and shovel.

In connection with the proposal to erect a monumental memorial to soldiers who had fallen in the Great War, several designs have been received by the Yarrawonga Shire Council. One submitted by Messrs. Talochino, and Son, monumental sculptors, of Benalla, has been accepted, and they have been instructed to proceed with the work. The contract price is £1050. The monument, which will be of polished Harcourt granite, will be a handsome and imposing piece of work. The stone will stand 26 feet high, standing on a base of fine axed Harcourt granite 3 feet square.

The shaft, which is 14 feet high, measures 2ft. 6in. square at the base and 1ft. 9in. at the top and weighs five tons. It will be surmounted by the Australian coat of arms and a figure of the Angel of Peace, 6 feet high, in Italian marble. At the bottom of the shaft, also in Italian marble, is a figure of a soldier standing at attention. The names of the soldiers will be inscribed on the four sides of the die, leading up to which are three steps. Messrs Talochino and Son are to be congratulated on their success and Yarrawonga on its patriotism in subscribing so liberally towards such a handsome monument.
Benalla Standard (Vic.), 26 March 1920.


Address:Belmore & Piper Streets, Yarrawonga, 3730
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -36.011081
Long: 146.004494
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Designer:S. Talochino & Son (Benalla VIC)
Monument Manufacturer:S. Talochino & Son (Benalla VIC)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Friday 11th November, 1927
Front Inscription

Plaque :

Boer War 1899 - 1902.

Plaque to honour the fallen in the Boer War 

Donated by Yarrawonga Mulwala RSL to commemorate the centenary of the declaration of the Boer War 11 - 10 - 1899

[ Names ]

Unveiled by Mr Ken Jasper MLA Member for Murray Valley
8 - 10 - 1999

Lest We Forget


Left Side Inscription

World War II 1939 - 45

In memoriam

[ Names ]

To our brave heroes who gave their lives for King, Country and Empire in the Great World War

1914 - 1919

'Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends`


Back Inscription
[ Names ]
Right Side Inscription

Plaque :

Australia Remembers
1945 - 1995.

In honour of the men & women who served Australia in time of conflict dueing World War II.

Lest We Forget

[ Names ]

Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au