
Camperdown War Memorial Print Page Print this page

Soldiers Memorial
Soldiers Memorial

Photographs supplied by Kent Watson / Graeme Saunders

The monument commemorates those from the district who died in service or were killed in action in conflicts in which Australia has been involved.

It was originally unveiled to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War One.  It was designed by Paul Montford and features a heroic female figure, the ‘Spirit of Empire calling upon its sons’, on a granite base and pedestal.  It stands in an area defined by a basalt wall which was erected as a memorial to those servicemen and women who died in World War Two. 

The names of those who lost their lives in World War Two were added with an unveiling of a plaque on the 1st December 1954. Casualties of the Vietnam War are recorded on the east face of the monument. The memorial was rededicated in 2009 and now commemorates those from the district who have served in all conflicts. 

CAMPERDOWN, Sunday.-The soldiers' memorial, the work of Mr. P. R. Montford, surmounted by an imposing figure depicting the spirit of the Empire calling the Dominions to her aid was unveiled and dedicated on Saturday to the accompaniment of an impressive ceremonial. The Governor, Lord Somers, Lieutent-General Sir C. B. B. White and Chaplain A. T. Holden, were escorted by mounted troops from the railway station to the shire hall, where a reception was tendered by the president of the shire (Cr. E. Manifold). Scouts, guides and a large gathering of local and district residents assembled to witness the unveiling by his Excellency, who referred to the enlistment of over 1300 from the shire, of whom 148 names were inscribed on the memorial as having laid down their lives.

Lord Somers referred to the spirit of comradeship which had manifested itself in the war when representatives from all parts of the Empire met on one common ground. He hoped this excellent factor would continue now that time huad stripped the world of its war dressings and the universal desire was for peace. It might seem paradoxical that the very people who advocated disarmament were training their small boys in the art of boxing and delighting to see these combats between school boy gladiators. He supposed it would be the same till the millenium came. The Governor complimented Camperdown upon the memorial.

Lieutenant-General Sir C. B. B. White said he was glad Camperdown people had decided upon an inspirational instead of a utilitarian memorial. It indicated the ideals of the Australian soldier, the spirit of service, self sacrifice and fellowship. In extending his sincere sympathies to the relatives of the men who had given their lives, he suggested that an annual pilgrimage be made, particularly by the younger generation to the memorial. Wreaths were placed on the memorial and the Last Post, followed by the Reveille, brought the function to a close.
Age (Melbourne), 23 December 1929.

Camperdown. Wednesday. A bronze plaque on the Camperdown War Memorial to commemorate local and district soldiers who died in World War II was unveiled this afternoon by Sir Dallas Brooks, Governor. Sir Dallas said that the plaque was an outward and visible sign of those who had fought and died, and who gave us the charge of carrying on that which they could not continue. 
Argus (Melbourne),  2 December 1954.


Address:Manifold & Cressy Streets, Camperdown, 3260
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.233871
Long: 143.149282
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict
Artist:Paul Montford
Monument Manufacturer:A. R. Burton (England)


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 21st December, 1929
Front Inscription

Erected in honour of the men of this District who fell in the Great War

1914 - 1918

Camperdown Memorial

Re-dedication to mark the 80th anniversary of the original dedication on 21 December, 1929. 

This plaque marks the 80th anniversary of the original dedication of this memorial. The memorial is rededicated to the men and women of Camperdown and the surrounding district who have served in the defence of Australia and her allies in all conflicts. 

Unveiled by Major General David McLachlan AO State President, Victorian Branch RSL

13 December, 2009

Left Side Inscription

Love of country has triumphed


Back Inscription

Valour lives beyond the grave


Right Side Inscription

In memory of those who fell in World War II 

1939 - 1945


For your tomorrow we gave our today

Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au