
Belmont War MemorialPrint Page Print this page

Belmont War Memorial Malaysia-Indonesia-Vietnam : 10-09-2013
Belmont War Memorial Malaysia-Indonesia-Vietnam : 10-09-2013

Photographs supplied by Nancy Alford

The monument was originally erected to commemorate those who died in service or were killed in action in World War One. 

Two brick walls on either side of the monument contain plaques commemorating those who died in service or were killed in action in World War Two, the Korean War, the Malaya Emergency, the Indonesian Confrontation and the Vietnam War.


Address:50 Barwon Heads Road, Geelong RSL , Belmont, 3216
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -38.173493
Long: 144.351337
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Front Inscription

Erected to the memory of those who gave their lives in the Great War

1914 - 1919

"Lest We Forget"


Left Side Inscription

Plaque :

To the memory of those who gave their lives in the 2nd World War 

1939 - 1945

Plaque :

To the memory of those who gave their lives in the Korean War

1950 - 1953 




Right Side Inscription

Plaque :

To the memory of those who gave their lives in the Malayan Emergency

1950 - 1960

Indonesian Confrontation
1963 - 1966

Plaque :

To the memory of those who gave their lives in the Vietnam campaign

1962 - 1975



Source: MA
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au