
Yamba CenotaphPrint Page Print this page

13-December-2011 [Diane Watson}
13-December-2011 [Diane Watson}

Photographs supplied by Diane Watson / John Huth

The Cenotaph commemorates those from the district who have served in the various conflicts in which Australia has been involved. The memorial was originally erected in memory of those who served in World War One.

Additional plaques were erected in memory of those who served in World War Two, Korea, South East Asia and Vietnam. 

A tablet, the design of which is the imprint of the hands and feet of a son of one of the fallen of World War Two and representing the youth of Yamba was unveiled at the memorial on the 2nd January 1949 and is listed under a separate entry. 



Address:Queen Street, Yamba, 2464
GPS Coordinates:Lat: -29.436825
Long: 153.365444
Note: GPS Coordinates are approximate.
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Monument Type:Monument
Monument Theme:Conflict


Actual Monument Dedication Date:Saturday 11th August, 1923
Front Inscription

World War 1
In Memoriam

[ Names ]

Erected by the residents of Yamba & District

In honour of the men who fought in the Great War 1914 - 18 & in memory of those who fell.

For God, King & Empire

World War 2
[ Names ]

Left Side Inscription

World War 1

[ Names ]

Erected by the residents of Yamba & District

In honour of all men who fought in World War 2

1939 - 1945

And in memory of those who fell for God, King & Empire.

World War 2
[ Names ]

Back Inscription

World War 1

[ Names ]

World War 2 
​[ Names ]

Plaque : 

In honour of all who fought in Korea, Sth E. Asia, Vietnam

[ Names ]


Right Side Inscription

World War 1

[ Names ]

World War 2 
​[ Names ]

Plaque :

In memory of Korea 


Source: MA,NRWM
Monument details supplied by Monument Australia - www.monumentaustralia.org.au